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A Vedantic Thriller
A story in 100 FRAMES, not as Science-Fiction,
A story in 100 FRAMES, not as Science-Fiction,
but as Esoteric fact and Spiritual truth.
(Blank Screen, Music playing)In the beginning there was Sound.
All Creation has originated from Sound-NADA.
The sound of the presence of God.
Creation is sustained by God- the Giver of fruits of Action, Karmaphaladata.
The Soul-Jivatma, through its own actions-Karma
undergoes continuous Rebirth-Punarjanma.
(Eclipse) The North Node and South Node of the Moon,
Rahu and Ketu, keep the Soul in Embodiment.
(Title) The Cosmos is Divine. Man is Divine.
Man and Cosmos are a Unity.
Linear Time?
A 'One' beginning?
From Simple to Complex Life Forms?
Survival of the Fittest?
From Ape to Man? Is this the truth?
Human Soul is Divine and has been reincarnating forever.
Its own Actions-Karma keep the soul in bondage.
All actions are accountable due to Absolute Unity of Being.
It is Saturn that oversees our Actions.
Saturn is the Lord of Karma. Saturn is the Black Stone.
(Note: Saturn is worshipped as
a large rectangular slab of Black Rock,
in India, at Shani Shinganapur)
Karma (Saturn, Black Stone) and Reincarnation (Eclipse, Nodes)
is the Esoteric Truth of the Human Soul.
Man has not descended from Animals.
Man has descended to the state of an animal due to ignorance of his intrinsic Divinity.
Development and Progress?
Science and Technology? Where exactly are we going?
Existence is Cyclic.Time is Cyclic.
This Cyclic Existence, born out of Karma, is Bandha-Bondage.
This Cyclic Existence is called Samsara.
The Universe is Divinity and Mystery.
Truths that lie beyond the epistemology of Materialistic Science.
In Cyclic existence, all relationships are interlinked destinies, Rnanubandhana.
Moon is the Divine Mother of Cyclic Existence.
Nature does not know straight lines.
Existence is Spiral. Time is Spiral.
The embodiment of the Divine Soul
is only a Projection (3-Screens / 3-D).
The 3 states of waking, dream and sleep are unreal.
Veiling of Unity and Projection of Diversity
is caused by the Nodes of the Moon.
(Table shape, upward facing- Symbol of South Node Ketu)
(Table shape, downward facing- Symbol of North Node Rahu)
Cyclic Existence itself is a Projection, Maya.
The Human Soul (Jivatma) is in truth
Paramatma (Absolute Consciousness) and eternally free.
In an Eclipse, the Nodes (Maya) appear to
obscure the Sun (Paramatma, the Eternal Self).
But in reality, the Sun (Paramatma) is Untouched, Asparsha.
Sun Path is Uttarayana, the path of Self-Knowledge and Liberation.
The secrets of embodied existence lie in the Moon.
Moon Path is Dakshinayana, the path of Reincarnation.
(Excavation shape) Nodes of the Moon
control bondage and release of the Soul.
And in the center of all this is Karma (Saturn, Black Stone).
Man is the result of his own Actions (Saturn, Black Stone).
All human suffering is a result of Karma (Saturn, Black Stone).
(Shrieking sound pointing to Jupiter)
Saturn is the Dweller on the threshold.
Saturn-Action has to be crossed
before Self Knowledge-Jupiter, dawns.
Saturn has to give sanction before Jupiter gives Realisation.
As Saturn is Karma-Action, Jupiter is Jnana-Self Knowledge.
Action leads to further bondage and never to Liberation.
Knowledge and Action are like Light and Dark.
They are mutually opposite.
Action-Karma has to end for Jnana-Knowledge to dawn.
When Self Knowledge dawns, Rebirth ends (Eclipse).
Jupiter is AtmaJnana- Self Knowledge. The Self is Actionless.
Jupiter is Guru- the Light of the Self.
Until the Actionless Self is realised,
the Soul is condemned to Cyclic Existence that is Samsara.
Liberation (Moksha) from Cyclic Existence
is the singular purpose of the Jiva (Reincarnating Soul).
Self-Knowledge alone grants Liberation from Cyclic Existence.
All other knowledge is in truth Ignorance.
What is right knowledge and what is wrong knowledge?
How can Buddhi-Intellect that is inert decide the answer?
Intellect derives its intelligence from Awareness that is Self.
When Buddhi resolves in Hrdaya-
Intellect resolves in the Self, Mind resolves in the Heart,
it is Liberation-Moksha.
Buddhi-Intellect is the Barrier
as well as the Gateway to Liberation.
The Way is a Return.
The way forward is illusion.
Nodes, Rahu and Ketu,
that signify Cyclic existence and Projection
also signify technological progress and advancement.
All notions of Linear Time and Progress
is delusion which binds the Soul to Samsara.
The failure of Buddhi-Intellect is when
Man forgets his identity with Spirit.
And instead, progressively identifies with Matter.
(HAL is Buddhi-Intellect identified with Matter)
The Intellect must retrace its steps back to the Self
and not lose itself in its own projections.
The Fall of the Intellect is the Decline of Civilisation.
Man is Spiritual. Materialistic Science cannot diagnose his Soul.
Man is in Spiritual Coma as his Soul is asleep.
When will he awaken from this dream world?
Encounter your Buddhi-Intellect, face to face.
Resolve Body in the Senses,
Resolve Senses in the Mind,
Resolve Mind in the Intellect,
Resolve Intellect in 'I',
and Resolve the 'I' in the Self.
The Way is a Return. Buddhi Yoga.
Spiral back to the source of your own Being.
Delusion is an error of the Intellect. Intellect is the Delusion.
To repair the Intellect is to resolve it at its source, The Heart.
The Intellect is Inert and only the reflection
of Pure Consciousness that is the Self.
Know your intrinsic Being as the Unchanging Witness Self, Sakshi.
By doing so, the Buddhi-Intellect is resolved back in its source.
If the Intellect is allowed to take over, it is Doom.
Who's watching?
Who's watching?
Watch Out!
(HAL is Buddhi-Intellect identified with Matter)
Man's true Self is unconscious and asleep.
The Intellect controls everything.
The Intellect has turned man into a Vegetable.
Identification with the Body has made him inert as metal.
This is the conspiracy of the Buddhi-Intellect.
Man is detabilised, his soul has been cast out.
Man is falling....
...into a void of darkness.
Intellect has tricked Man. It's time he tricked the Intellect.
And there is a Direct Way.
Awareness is the space in which everything happens.
Flying in the void of consciousness, one lands in Awareness.
One must make Awareness enter the Intellect.
Uplug the Intellect from Matter.
And guide it towards Spirit, Atma.
When Intellect is not guided towards Spirit-Atma,
the result is Karma and Reincarnation. (Black stone, Eclipse)
The alignment of Graha-planets in a horoscope
is the alignment of one's own spiritual destiny.
Travel is stabilising illumination.
True travel is internal, spiritual and enlightening.
The initiatory journey.
All else is but wandering and bewilderment.
Exploration must be of one's own Consciousness.
The whole Universe is one's own Consciousness only.
Who is the Seer?
What is the Seen?
Where can the Self go as it is everywhere?
Mukya Saptaha, the Central 7 Grahas,
Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn;
they are the matrix of the reincarnating soul.
Jagat Mithya. Universe is illusion.
Self is the eye of the eye.
There is nothing apart from the Self. This is Knowledge.
This is the Knowledge that Jupiter bestows.
But Space travel to Jupiter to Know its secrets?
This is when Intellect-Buddhi becomes a barrier instead of a gateway.
Inviting more bewilderment!
Seeking Knowledge through
the epistemology of Materialistic Science?
Where does one arrive eventually?
In a green room.
Mercury is Green. Mercury is the Divine Messenger.
If Jupiter is Guru and Knowledge,
Mercury is Student and Learning.
The outward journey to Jupiter will have to end in
the internal room of Mercury- learning soul lessons.
Illuminated Floor- to get our foundations right.
And what is the lesson that the soul has to learn?
Who's that?
It's Saturn. (Saturn is Black).
And Saturn is nothing but one's own karma.
All planets are within oneself.
The outward journey to Jupiter will have to end in
the internal room of Mercury with a direct encounter with Saturn-
Learning to resolve our karmas before true knowledge can dawn.
Unless the lessons of Saturn are learnt in the room of Mercury...
Unless our Karmas are resolved..
and digested...
Unless the transient nature of life is renounced...
...and loneliness transforms into aloneness...
...we would have grown old....
...for the 'n'th time....
only to come face to face with death once again.
(black stone- saturn as death)
Encountering our own karmas (black stone)...
...And reconciling and resolving those karmas...
..Unless it is done, one will never reach Jupiter, Self Knowledge.
Saturn blocks the way to Jupiter.
Karma-Action blocks the way to Jnana-Knowledge.
Human Soul is Divine and Immortal.
It reincarnates perpetually until true Self-Knowledge arises.
With Self-Knowledge, rebirth ends.
There is no short cut to Jupiter, Self Knowledge.
The short cut which is the epistemology of Materialistic Science.
One will end up in the room of Mercury, the Divine Messenger,
and will have to face Saturn, to learn harsh soul lessons
and account for our karmas.
External search for knowledge is delusion.
Self-Realisation alone is the purpose of life.
Moon (cyclic existence)...
Baby (reincarnating soul)...
Earth (embodiment)...
All are Circles.
Wholeness- complete integration of body, senses, mind and soul.
The union of heaven and earth, spirit and matter.
The Divine Soul carries on
in its search for Final Liberation (Moksha);
Absolute Unity of Being.
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